Server Manager utilises Discord Webhooks to allow you to send messages to a specific Discord channel when certain events occur, such as Presets being started or scheduled.
The following options are available for Discord Notifications in the Manager, here we'll provide extra information on some of them.
To set up your Webhook please refer to the official Discord guide: Intro to Webhooks. After completing the guide you should have a Webhook URL (it should look like
), paste that entire URL into the Discord Webhook URL field on the Server Options page of your Manager.
If you'd like the Discord Bot to mention a certain role in the Discord server whenever it posts, add the ID of that role to the Discord Role ID field. You can get a Role ID by navigating to Server Settings -> Roles on Discord, right clicking on the role and clicking Copy ID.
These are events on which a Discord Notification will be sent, messages generally contain information relative to the event that has occured.
Custom text is added to the end of any message sent by the Discord Notification system, Markdown formatting can be used here, for example:
## This is a Title
This *custom text* is added **to the end** of any Discord Notification.
It can contain [links](
In discord a notification with this Custom Text will render like this: